Announcement: TCPS is joining forces with HealthStream. Read more here.

X-Technical Requirements

Technical Requirements


Spending a few minutes making sure your computer is ready to use the TCPS Clinical Orientation site will potentially save you some time and troubleshooting later on …

All software/plugins required for the optimal use of the TCPS Clinical Orientation are free and available for download on the right of the screen.

This site is best viewed using Chrome or Firefox. Chrome and Firefox are available for PC, MAC, and Android operating systems.  Safari for Mac and Internet Explorer versions below 11 are no longer supported.

ALL Orientation content opens in a new browser window or tab, so close the window/tab to return to the TCPS site.

Handouts are provided in the .PDF format and will require that you use Adobe Acrobat Reader to view.

Use the Browser Back Button to return to your Orientation!

This Resource page is used by all TCPS Orientation users!

Get Adobe Acrobat Reader

Adobe Acrobat Reader displays .PDF files regardless of the computer’s operating system. PCs, Macs, tablets, and phones can all display .PDF documents.

MAC Users:  If you see that the Test Document opens in PREVIEW – you need to download and use Adobe Reader to view some content and your completion certificates!

Links OPEN in a new window/tab!

Test your Computer for Adobe Reader

Download the latest Version of Adobe Reader

Get Firefox or Chrome

Click on the icons to download these browsers based on the operating system of your computer/tablet!
Links open in a new window!  Close the window to return!





