Welcome to your next role as a healthcare professional!
Rapid Onboarding is a strategy used by facilities to quickly get new employees or travelers to their assigned roles without having to wait for routine orientation. While you will have additional orientation once you arrive for your first day/shift, this information lays the foundation for keeping you and the patients, families & visitors within the facility safe.
Rapid Onboarding includes several areas of content for your review:
- The regulatory content that each healthcare professional must review each year as a component of their healthcare role.
- Organization-specific content that identifies specific practices and policies associated with the healthcare facility.
- Any required forms you will need to return to the organization on your first day/shift.
- An attestation stating you have reviewed the content – or – a quiz with questions taken from the content.

You should have received a user guide that will provide you with log-in information and instructions for
navigating the orientation. If you did not receive this user guide, please reach back out to the facility.
Select your organization using the buttons below.
Rapid Onboarding is powered by TCPS EmployeePro!